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Presentations with Augmented Reality technology: How to affect the emotional center of your audience?
Any presentation is the process of transmitting thoughts from one person to another or to an audience. Therefore, on how well and correctly the presentation is made, i.e. how well it is reflecting the thought you want to convey — the more likely you will be understood exactly as you want it, as the main task of the presentation is to attract attention and interest. A good presentation is half the success in the negotiations — it will definitely make the first impression. In this article, we'll try to find out how to create an effective presentation.
Despite millions of years of developing abstract and critical thinking, people still rely on emotions when making decisions. Regardless of the analysis of information and highlighted the pros and cons of the product, your purchase decision is largely determined by the action of one of the earliest areas of the brain. That is why marketers are very important to understand the emotions of customers. Advertising, which causes strong emotions, increases sales by 23%. The role of emotions in decision making is hard to ignore. What benefits can marketers make of this?

Marketers should understand that they need to focus on feelings, not on cold facts — get in touch with the person, not the buyer. A study by the University of Glasgow showed that all our emotions come from four main feelings: happiness, sadness, fear, surprise, anger, disgust. They allowed us to survive in difficult circumstances. These feelings are tied to our brain, and cannot be ignored when publishing content. So how do emotions affect sales?

Creating a strong first impression

Every time after we meet a new person, we evaluate him: appearance, behavior, speech features, etc. We need just a few seconds to form the first impression. Similarly, customers form their opinion about a particular brand.

If you invite a person to watch two commercials, one of them will clearly cause interest. Suppose that in the first video all the information about the product, its parameters, characteristics, and advantages were provided. Another video did not focus on the informational component, but, on the contrary, on the emotional one. No doubt people will remember the last one better.

The key to a properly made impression is the necessary feelings that arise when getting familiar with advertising materials. A good marketer should know how to cause the necessary emotion in the client. This will ensure that the promoted products will stand out against the background of similar products, and, therefore, will be better remembered by buyers.

Augmented Reality for Events and Exhibitions, trying clothes with AR technology
Helps people to make decisions with their hearts

In order to understand the driving force and motivation of the buyer who made the transaction, it is necessary to put yourself in his place first. Most often, people conduct a comparative analysis of the characteristics and cost of goods, read reviews, but still, the key role in decision making plays the heart, not the head.

Suffice it to recall some advertising campaigns from well-known cosmetic brands. Many of them aim to inspire women, to convey to them information that they deserve only the best. Watching such commercials evokes positive emotions, that in its turn ultimately drives sales.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that when making a decision, a person is more often guided by his own emotions than by the available data. Advertising campaigns that can evoke the right feelings in their customers are more effective than simple informational videos and plain numbers. To summarize, we can conclude that with the help of emotional marketing, customers make the choice that is more familiar to them. That is, guided by the heart, not by the mind.
Augmented Reality for Events and Exhibitions, trying clothes with AR technology
Motivating and leading to action

In addition to increasing sales, emotions can lead people to other types of activities that facilitate developing a business or brand. Any experience relates to certain actions of the person experiencing them.

Grief causes a feeling of empathy and compassion. The person, in this case, will seek to maintain contact. People are becoming more active in the interests of others. This is actively used by charitable organizations — when asking for donations they usually show pictures that cause a feeling of sadness.

Fear or surprise. Experiencing fear or surprise, people tend to the place where they will be comfortable. If the product is designed to make customers' lives more convenient, then the latter will increase the favor and loyalty to the brand. Marketers are wary of encouraging such feelings through their advertising campaigns, suggesting that customers will have negative experiences associated with the brand's products. But in fact, fear demonstrates that this firm is reliable. With the help of the feeling of fear, it is possible to achieve the loyalty of the audience in the case of the market situation deterioration.

When a person experiences happiness, he will certainly want to share it with others. This increases brand awareness. Studies show that positive information attracts people. As a result, the brand begins to be associated with happiness, joy, and success.

Anger and passion make people stubborn. The latter allows you to turn content into viral, thereby increasing customer loyalty. Conducted research indicates that the content that causes a person to experience anger and irritation, quickly spreads, attracting a large number of people.
Perhaps, each company strives for a dynamically growing profit, wants the number of its clients to approach the population of the planet. One of the most important steps towards this goal is positioning, or providing the audience with information about the benefits of working with a specific enterprise, team's professionalism, leading positions in industry ratings, etc. Based on the data obtained, customers draw conclusions about the reliability of the business partner, make decisions about commercial cooperation. In positioning a brand, a marketing tool such as a presentation is useful and even indispensable. The presentation is perhaps the most correct format, which is concise, brief, but at the same time succinctly and clearly introduces the investor or a customer to your business.

Visual presentations from the first minutes should attract the attention of the audience and keep it throughout the story. The main idea is presented juicy, expressive and, most importantly, taking into account the interests and needs of customers. The presentation is intended to convince the buyer that your competitive advantages will turn out to be direct financial benefits for him, and the products and services you offer will best suit his needs and solve the problems facing the client.
Augmented Reality for Events and Exhibitions, trying clothes with AR technology
When preparing for positioning, it is important to put yourself in the client's shoes and evaluate the offer from his point of view.

The development of augmented reality technology affects the design of modern presentations. Let's find out how it can be used for creating presentations and public speaking.

Augmented reality is activated by markers in the form of pictures or objects: when the markers are in the focus of the camera, a 3D object, video or static image is added to the real object. The image can be displayed on a smartphone, projector, even Google Glass. In public speeches, the main idea of using something new, including innovative technologies, is to shock the audience, cause WOW effect and to be remembered by it.

Together with this, augmented reality can make the presentation more understandable and intuitive. Technically, for a presentation with augmented reality, you need a screen, a camera and a program that will add an AR object to a real picture. Such performances look good in online broadcast or recording.

AR is well suited for the demonstration of architectural objects, mechanisms, and schemes. If most people will watch you online or on the screens in the hall, we advise you to think about using AR technology. For example, demonstration of a new car in AR:

As well as a demonstration of the whole city:

As a result, AR technology makes sense to use for speeches in front of a large audience. For a small number of people, the creation of a photo-realistic addition to your performance will rarely be appropriate.

AR can be an interesting solution for meetings with potential clients, investors or partners. For example, you want to show investors the model of the software solution, which has a complex architecture. The purpose of the meeting is to show the logic of the application clearly, without being too immersed in the technical details and code. In this case, you can simply bring a picture marker and on your tablet show a full-fledged 3D model of the application, using visual analogs of the processes in the application.

Augmented Reality for Events and Exhibitions, trying clothes with AR technology
Perhaps only in ten years presentations will change dramatically from what we know them by now. Most likely you won't need to create slides manually. Anyhow, presentations will aid to influence people and play an important role in the lifecycle of any companies. And presentations need to be learned to do well.

And if you're interested to try AR technology described above for your future conference or event — contact us. We are always open to experiments and will come up with something together!
If you are ready to turn you concept into a marketable AR product, we invite you to partner with us. We bring innovative solutions to companies around the world, and we specialize in AR technology. Our world-class developers are experts in AR platforms, mobile app development, and in creating feature-rich solutions that are also scalable and robust.

Why not contact us today for a no-cost consultation?
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